Williams X Nordrum, a 30-year-old visual artist and student, resides in Phoenix, Arizona. Having grown up in the vibrant neighborhood of south Phoenix, Williams discovered his passion for art through graffiti during his formative teenage years. However, as he embarked on his college journey, he found himself captivated by life drawing and immersed in the thriving art community of Phoenix.
Witnessing his artwork showcased in a gallery for the first time ignited a deep desire within Williams to create more and exhibit his pieces in prestigious galleries. With the sale of his initial significant painting, Williams became driven to achieve greater heights, adopting the mantra of "go big or go home" inspired by the late Paul Walker.
Continuing his artistic pursuit, Williams enrolled at Phoenix Community College, where he dedicated himself to earning an associate's degree in fine arts. This educational path has provided him with invaluable knowledge and skills to further refine his craft, and he eagerly looks forward to continuing his artistic journey at Arizona State University school of arts MFA